Detailed recommendations for a walk to be published

Here is a more detailed version of our recommendations for a walk to be published. This version is mainly for use by the moderators, but you can also refer to it if you would like to help us as best possible.

The moderators follow this quality guideline so the walks can be uniform and they can make sure the walk is doable by anyone who struggles to read a map. 


Above all, please read some existing walk sheets to understand these recommendations or click on the link here which gives you access to an example with some add-on information to guide you. 

General information

  • Please ensure you are the author of the information you enter or have the author’s explicit permission to publish it on the Visorando website and our network of partner sites. We pay careful attention to copyright and do not accept unauthorized copies.
  • If you are writing the description of the walk, you must have been on this walk yourself. Relying solely on a map to write a description can be misleading: maps do not always represent the land exactly as it is.
  • Check that the walk you are submitting does not already exist on Visorando. To do this, you can carry out a search of the walks in the area, or plot out your walk and see if the software indicates that it is a duplicate (this will be indicated at the top of your walk sheet). A mention can also appear at the top of your page indicating a similar walk does exist already. 
  • Do not submit walks that go through private property to which access is not permitted.
  • Do not submit walks that go along paths to which access is permanently prohibited by law.
  • And above all, remember to re-read your walk!

Plotting the route - GPX files

  • Plot out your route as far as possible against a background map with the walking route planner. If you recorded your route with a smartphone, the GPS readings can sometimes be a little off track, especially in forests. Check out our advice for recording an accurate track with the Visorando mobile app.
  • If your route comes from a GPS track, please refine it: remove any deviations, picnic breaks, toilet breaks, etc. In most cases, 1 point every 50m is more than sufficient: including more points only complicates reading and can overload our servers and hikers’ devices.


  • The title of your walk should be short, precise, and make the reader want to find out more. For example, you can emphasize the goal or interest of the walk. For example: Circular walk around the Mausoleum -> Circular walk around Dashwood Mausoleum, West Wycombe.
  • Find a distinct title. If the title is too vague, add the district or a knowledgeable point. 
  • Only use capital letters at the start of the title or for proper names.
  • Do not add a full stop at the end of the title.
  • Do not start your title with the name of the region or area.
  • If it is a stage of a hike that lasts several days, you can write a title in the following form: 'From point A to point B' mentioning the start and end points. However, do not specify the number of stages. For example : From West-Wycombe to Marlow.
  • Do not put any links to any website in the introduction.


  • Your introduction should consist of a few sentences that will make the reader want to do the walk. It could indicate the main interest or goal of the walk. For example : A walk more than a hike that will allow you to enjoy views over the Chiltern Hills.
  • Do not put any links in the introduction.
  • Do not indicate the distance, altitude, duration, or other data which will be automatically added by Visorando


Details to include

  • Your description should indicate the directions to follow, changes in direction, and any landmarks so that the walker can easily follow the route. In that case, someone is able to follow your steps without having to constantly look at the map.
  • It must match the track plotted out on the map: everything that is plotted out must be included in the description, and everything that is included in the description must be plotted out. This means that variations to the route can be indicated, but only in the useful information section to avoid creating confusion. For example :
    ::S/E:: From Hell-Fire Caves Car Park, walk to Chorley Road and cross the road straight ahead with care. Walk straight (North-East) ignoring the paths coming from left and right. Walk up the hill following some steps until you reach a path junction with a signpost.
  • Remember to specify the departure point, how to get there, and where it is possible to park. Always start with a little sentence or information allowing the person to find the location of the start point. (If it is possible). Car Park, Bus Stop, Railway Station. Then give a line break to start the description. Put the name or text related to the start point in bold. For example : Start : Hell-Fire Caves Car Park. Postcode : HP14 3PA. OS Grid ref : SU826 947
  • If some parts of the route do not follow a path (footpath, track, road, etc.) that is visible on the map, specify it. The map may not be up to date.
  • The spelling of place names should correspond to those indicated on signposts along the walk and on the map. If the spelling seen along the walk is different from the spelling used on the map, please specify it to avoid a moderator making unnecessary changes based on the map alone.
  • Focus above all on indicating elements that the walker must follow and if necessary supplement with counter-indications (what not to do).
  • The points of interest have to be mentioned in the "During the walk or to do/see around" box below. To do so, put alphabetical letters into brackets such as (A) and refer to the same in the "During the walk or to do/see around" box so people can read more information about them. You can also add a link straight to a website. For example :
    (1) Turn left (North-West) going uphill towards Dashwood Mausoleum (A). After enjoying the view over High-Wycombe, walk West past the Mausoleum to reach St Lawrence Church (B) entrance. With your back to the church, turn right (North) past the cemetery on your right-hand side to reach a car park.


  • Write using full sentences, if possible keeping them short, and pay attention to grammar and spelling. Remember to use the spell checker available in your browser.
  • To assure a better clarity/lisibility and uniformity of the route sheets, place the numbers related to the waypoints at the start of each paragraph. Then, explain using all the features the person will encounter on the route including details on how to get to and recognise the next waypoint. Then, add a full stop to contunie to another paragraph. 
  • Do not use "I" or any too personal descriptions.
  • Make sure that verb tenses and the subject are consistent: choose one form and use it through the whole description.
  • Do not use abbreviations.
  • Only use capital letters at the start of a sentence and for proper names.
  • Keep units in the singular form.
  • Use capitals for street and road names...
  • Use a capital letter for the colour of any waymarks, e.g. “Yellow”.
  • A few typographic rules :

    • 21st Century : no space between the number and 'st'
    • A5654 : No space between the letter and the number
    • Blablabla : or Blabla ; ou Blalblabla ! or Blabla ? : put a space between the punctuation and the word and one after the punctuation aswell.
    • Bla, ou Blabla. : no space between the punctuation and the previous word.
    • 50m, 100meters, 3miles, 2Km : do not add any space between the numbers and units to avoid the text to return to a new lane which could make the reading difficult. The moderation will take care of the spaces. 
    • 30min et 1h30 : no space
    • North-East et North-North-East : Capital letters at the start of each coordinate and a dash in between each. If possible add a direction left or right or the 3rd path on your left, etc. So anyone can read.
    • Left/right : slash in between. Try to indicate the direction such as : turn left (East)
    • Oxford Street or Marlow Place or Lonely Alley : Capital letter to both
    • When indicating a warning or something to be careful of, put it in bold text.
    • When indicating something to see with no direct link with the directions : write in italic


  • Check the layout and any links you have inserted.
  • For better clarity and consistency, put the numbers of the waypoints at the start of each paragraph wherever possible.
  • Think about giving space between each waypoint of part of the text so it is easier to read. Each new paragraph has to start with a waypoint number with two colon :: before and after so it will be highlighted red when you register. 
  • The paragraphs start by ::S/E:: and end with ::S/E:: when it is a loop/circle walk. When it is a one-way walk, it Starts with ::S:: and Ends with ::E::. Other waypoints are written with numbers ::1::.
  • Leave a space between the ::S/E:: and the start of your sentence. Same rule for the other waypoints.
  • Indicate how to get from starting point ::S/E:: to the first waypoint ::1::.
  • When you reach the last waypoint, at the end of it write the end point text in bold, and do not forget to write (S/E).
  • Do not add any spaces between numbers and units in order to avoid the text going onto a new line, which would make reading more difficult.
  • Always add a space after a punctuation mark, but not before.
  • Do not use any smileys.
  • Do not use more than one exclamation mark in a row.


  • A waypoint can indicate a junction, a point of interest, or a landmark.
  • Add them by clicking on the map (on the right here) and edit their name below by clicking on "Edited".
  • Remember to label your waypoints. Give a name and not a direction as it will allow the walker to find himself following the description and they are already mentioned in your text. Find a name related to what you see around so people can recognise themselves (Oak tree, Pound, Town Hall, etc.).
  • You can link a point of interest to each waypoint when you edit it so people can find more information about it.
  • Space out your waypoints as regularly as possible. Do not concentrate too many waypoints over the same portion of route, or it will become difficult to read.
  • Mention the waypoint at the end of the sentence. 
  • Use a capital letter for the first word of the waypoint.

For example :

D/A : km 0 - alt. 98m - Hell-Fire Cave Car Park 
1 : km 0.36 - alt. 136m - Wooden signpost
2 : km 0.68 - alt. 160m - St Lawrence Church Car Park
D/A : km 1.47 - alt. 98m - Hell-Fire Cave Car Park 

Useful information

Please indicate:

  • details about the starting point here and about the walk itself. Give precise details on how to park and if possible alternative car park and the rules allocated. If it is free or there is a fee for instance;
  • whether any specific equipment is required;
  • provisions available along the route (e.g. drinking water);
  • any prohibitions or dangers according to the period (hunting, fires, winter snow in the mountains, etc.);
  • public transport, facilities, refreshments, etc.

We also recommend you include specific warnings, such as:

  • vertiginous section;
  • difficult orientation;
  • crossing or following roads;
  • ...

You can also mention any variants to the walk: short cuts, ways to extend the walk, etc.

For example :
Start : Hell-Fire Caves Car Park. Postcode : HP14 3PA. OS Grid ref : SU826 947. The start is situated nearby to West Wycombe Village, and close to the former Garden Centre (closed) along Chorley Road.

Car Park : Hell-Fire Caves Car Park. Postcode : HP14 3PA. OS Grid ref : SU826 947. Fee applied. It is possible to pay by card on-premises.
Alternative parking is available at St Lawrence Church Car Park. This car park will avoid the climb going straight to Dashwood Mausoleum. To get there, follow West Wycombe Hill Road up to its end. Keep in mind, this is a narrow road uphill.

Public transport : Bus timetable here from High-Wycombe.

Fascilities : Toilets available at West-Wycombe School car park.

Refreshments :

  • Coffee shop : The Apple Orchard (HP14 3AG) +44 1494 528328
  • Pub : The Swan Inn (HP14 3AE). +44 1494 527031

Note : This walk has quite a steep hill to climb. Good shoes are recommended in wet conditions. Carry some water and snacks. Binoculars would be a must to enjoy the Red Kites birds. 

Stiles : 0 and dog friendly

During the walk or to do/see around

In this section, you can mention anything that walkers can do or see during the walk and provide information that would have overloaded the description. However, try to stay relatively concise. You can mention what to see or do around, anecdotes, and other stories. You can also add external links in this section to indicate other sources of information for the hiker.
Some of the points of interest can be related to the ones you mentioned in your description with an allocated letter (A), (B), etc.

For example :

(A) Dashwood Mausoleum : The Dashwood Mausoleum stands on top of West Wycombe Hill next to the Church of St Lawrence. The tower of the Church, which is capped with a golden ball, rises behind the Mausoleum and together they form one of the most famous landmarks in Britain. (To find more about the history and for copyright click here)

(B) St Lawrence Church It may be one of the most famous of all parish churches in England, but this is not to do with its architecture or ancient origins. Rather, it owes its popularity to the eccentric Francis Dashwood, Lord le Despence, and owner of nearby West Wycombe Park. (To find more about the story and copyright click here.)

Return to Publish a walk.

Article under Creative Commons licence - Updated on Dec 01, 2023
Created and updated by: visorando, louis24k, Delphinium