
Technical sheet

Last update:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 13.23 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 4h 45 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Not specified

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 336 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 300 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 177 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 13 m
  • ⚑
    Start: N 1.342222° / E 103.835058°
  • ⚑
    End: N 1.348033° / E 103.776678°
  • Météo détaillée heure par heure


Start the plot by indicating the starting point. If you know the exact car parking situation, please explain how to park.
If we can access the starting point with public transports, please explain the lines to use and share any useful informations.

(S) From here, describe the instructions to follow from the starting point.

Add waypoints by clicking on the map.

The plot has to end by the location where the walk finishes. If it is a loop please write (S/E) at the end of the description. If it is a one way route write (E).


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 13 m - Start on MacRitchie Nature Trail
  2. 2 : km 0.08 - alt. 18 m - Turn sharp right
  3. 3 : km 0.18 - alt. 28 m - Turn slight left onto MacRitchie Nature Trail
  4. 4 : km 0.33 - alt. 28 m - Keep right onto MacRitchie Nature Trail
  5. 5 : km 3.6 - alt. 58 m - Turn sharp left onto MacRitchie Nature Trail
  6. 6 : km 3.8 - alt. 45 m - Turn left
  7. 7 : km 3.86 - alt. 51 m - Keep left onto Terentang Trail
  8. 8 : km 4.67 - alt. 55 m - Turn right onto Sime Track
  9. 9 : km 5.58 - alt. 32 m - Turn right onto Rifle Range Link
  10. 10 : km 6.14 - alt. 44 m - Turn right
  11. 11 : km 6.14 - alt. 44 m - Turn slight right onto Rifle Range Link
  12. 12 : km 6.99 - alt. 41 m - Turn sharp right onto Rifle Range Road
  13. 13 : km 8.37 - alt. 65 m - Turn right
  14. 14 : km 8.49 - alt. 56 m - Turn right
  15. 15 : km 8.85 - alt. 63 m - Turn left onto Catchment Path
  16. 16 : km 9.32 - alt. 110 m - Turn left onto Cave Path
  17. 17 : km 10.03 - alt. 99 m - Turn left onto Taban Loop
  18. 18 : km 10.32 - alt. 65 m - Turn left onto South View Path
  19. 19 : km 10.34 - alt. 63 m - Turn sharp right onto Main Road
  20. 20 : km 10.58 - alt. 106 m - Turn slight left onto Main Road
  21. 21 : km 10.98 - alt. 157 m - Turn slight right onto Main Road
  22. 22 : km 11.02 - alt. 156 m - Keep right onto Summit Path
  23. 23 : km 11.18 - alt. 176 m - Turn slight right onto Main Road
  24. 24 : km 11.18 - alt. 176 m - Turn sharp left
  25. 25 : km 11.23 - alt. 176 m - Turn left onto Main Road
  26. 26 : km 11.3 - alt. 173 m - Turn right onto Reneges Path
  27. 27 : km 11.39 - alt. 156 m - Turn right onto Dairy Farm Loop
  28. 28 : km 11.39 - alt. 156 m - Turn right onto Reneges Path
  29. 29 : km 11.58 - alt. 148 m - Turn left onto Seraya Loop
  30. 30 : km 12.1 - alt. 168 m - Turn left onto Main Road
  31. 31 : km 12.23 - alt. 173 m - Turn left onto Reneges Path
  32. 32 : km 12.23 - alt. 173 m - Turn left onto Main Road
  33. 33 : km 12.31 - alt. 176 m - Keep left onto Summit Path
  34. 34 : km 12.47 - alt. 156 m - Turn slight left onto Main Road
  35. 35 : km 12.51 - alt. 157 m - Turn slight left onto Main Road
  36. 36 : km 12.91 - alt. 106 m - Turn slight right onto Main Road
  37. E : km 13.23 - alt. 49 m

Practical information

Always stay careful and alert while following a route. Visorando and the author of this walk cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident during this route.

The GPS track and description are the property of the author.