Refine your search for walks in Abri de la Peyrouse (1575m)
A loop through the Serre-Brion and Morta passes starting from Bourgmenu
12.69 km
+1,326 m
-1,326 m
6 hrs
Very difficult
Departure from Saint-Andéol (Isère) (Isère)
Departure from Saint-Andéol (Isère) (Isère)
A vertiginous and rarely-taken loop, where you come across ibexes and chamois at every hairpin bend. Make sure you always have a helmet (ibexes love to send stones flying), as well as crampons and an ice axe until late in the season, as névés remain in place fairly long within the steep Serre-Brion couloir. It is best to start your hike early in the morning so that snow is still hard when reaching this couloir.