ADC Mont Ventoux - Bedoin

Technical sheet

Last update:
  • Road biking
    Activity: Road biking
  • ↔
    Distance: 21.60 km
  • ◔
    Author’s time: Unknown duration 
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    Difficulty: Not specified

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 1,589 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 3 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 1,891 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 302 m

Description of the route

No description


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 302 m - Start near 16 Rue de l'Abbé Durand, 84410 Bédoin, France
  2. 2 : km 0 - alt. 302 m - Head north-east on Avenue Barral des Beaux/D974 towards Rue Eymard
  3. 3 : km 0.2 - alt. 309 m - At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto D974 heading to Chalet Reynard/Flassan
  4. 4 : km 0.38 - alt. 310 m - Head east on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974 towards Chemin Derrière Saint Jean
  5. 5 : km 1.63 - alt. 343 m - Head on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974
  6. 6 : km 1.63 - alt. 343 m - Head south-east on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974 towards Chemin de Réveilla
  7. 7 : km 1.71 - alt. 346 m - Head on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974
  8. 8 : km 1.71 - alt. 346 m - Head south-east on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974 towards Chemin des Granges
  9. 9 : km 2.44 - alt. 374 m - Head east on Route du Mont Ventoux/D974 towards Chemin de Raven
  10. 10 : km 2.53 - alt. 377 m - Head east on D974
  11. 11 : km 2.86 - alt. 388 m - Head east on D974 towards D208
  12. 12 : km 6.7 - alt. 613 m - Head north-east on D974
  13. 13 : km 9.39 - alt. 880 m - Head east on D974
  14. 14 : km 12.04 - alt. 1,133 m - Head east on D974
  15. 15 : km 14.39 - alt. 1,351 m - Head north on D974
  16. 16 : km 15.71 - alt. 1,440 m - Head south-west on D974
  17. 17 : km 17.48 - alt. 1,560 m - Head north on D974
  18. 18 : km 19.64 - alt. 1,724 m - Head north on D974
  19. 19 : km 21.41 - alt. 1,883 m - Drej til venstre
  20. 20 : km 21.43 - alt. 1,885 m - Drej skarpt til venstre ind på Route du Mont-Ventoux, D 974
  21. E : km 21.6 - alt. 1,888 m

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.