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Carnagh Lake

This short walk around Carnagh Lake is perfect for anyone who wants to stretch their legs while overlooking the lake!
Darkley to Keady
Route goes through Darkley Village past Darkley Mill & Chimney, off-road past Darkley Lake, follows narrow roads past Darkley Lake, Tullynawood Lake, Gentle Owens Lake, Clay Ringfort & Souterrain and Clea Lake, Then along Clay Road, past Cargaclogher Ancient Enclosure and descend to Keady. We take a short loop, past Keady Monument and Old Mill to finish at the Tommy Makem Arts & Community Centre. This is a hilly walk and, on the lane/track past Darkley Lake, it can be rough underfoot and wet.
Keady - Thru' History
A 21 - 27 mile walk through the Hills, along the Rivers, past the Mills and around the Lakes of Keady Village in County Armagh.
Tassagh Bridge to Darkley
Our route is via Dundrum Road upstream along the Callan Valley through Granemore Crossroads, along Lower Darkley Road to cross the Callan. Then along Annvale Road past Linen Vale and back over the Callan, across the A29 to follow Mountain Lodge Road past Aughnagurgan Lake, Mountain Lodge Church and Darkley Forest. Pass onto Upper Darkley Road, along the north-eastern side of Tullynawood Lake, over the Callan and on past Darkley Mill & Chimney to finish just north of Darkley Village.
Keady to Tassagh Bridge
Our route is via Clea River, past Keady Mill, Keady Glen, Keady Viaduct, Glen Road and through Keady Glen Park to Annvale, Then along Annvale Road, Granemore Road, Tassagh Road to cross the Clea River, Batchelor's Walk, Keady Road, Killyreavy Road, Iskymeadow Road, Tassagh Viaduct and along Dundrum Road to finish at Tassagh Bridge. The first 5.7 miles of this walk is hilly, the rest climbs gradually along the Callan River Valley to Tassagh Bridge.