Refine your search for walks in Col de Bramont
A tour of the Lac des Corbeaux
14.93 km
+595 m
-602 m
6h 00
Departure from La Bresse (Vosges)
Departure from La Bresse (Vosges)
Start and finish at the Col de Bramont.
This route will let you discover the Lac des Corbeaux from the Belvédère de la Roche du Lac 200m above it.
The view is stunning and its the perfect place for a snack!
A trail takes you down to the lake. It doesn't cross the embankment, but takes you round the lake on a pleasant, shady trail.
Return to the Col de Bramont via the Étang de Sèchemer.
A very beautiful circuit that's not too difficult, although very steep.