Refine your search for walks in Monts du Lyonnais
Maisonette - the Rivollier via the relay antennae
Family-friendly walk in the hills of Saint-Héand among the horses and cows.
The Circuit around Py Froid
A very nice circuit around the Monts du Lyonnais to explore the climbing area at Py Froid.
Trek around Saint-Joseph - Le Mas
This hike is primarily along clear paths with views over le Pilat and Sainte-Catherine. An easy trek with some slight up and downhill slopes. Be careful, as non-stone tracks can get muddy in the rainy season.
Yzeron - The Crêt de Py Froid
Varied itinerary: Forest on the climb toward the Crêt de Py Froid then at the start of the descent. The landscape opens out on the descent, becoming more rural. A little walking on the road.
Saint-Christo-en-Jarez - Marcenod - L'Hôpital
A circuit primarily on small paved and sunny roads.
The Dolmen path
This path is very pleasant in the Autumn, with a magnificent view of the monts d'Or, Lyon and the Rhone valley.This route can be extended in the direction of Yzeron or Thurin..
The Rochefort to Rontalon loop

A beautiful circular walk through the varied and undulating landscapes of this part of the Monts du Lyonnais, taking you through the pretty, shady valley of the Bâtie stream and along the Rontalon botanical trail. The route follows an old railroad track from the early twentieth century, before climbing up through a Mediterranean style forest and past some market gardens. End by visiting the medieval village of Rochefort where you can visit the remains of the keep and the chapel.
Saint-Laurent-de-Vaux - Haute Bruyère

This fairly easy circuit from Saint-Laurent-de-Vaux will take you on a pleasant trail mainly in the forest. If the weather is clear, the view from the Plat Saint-Romain plateau offers a panoramic view of the Alps.