Refine your search for walks in Plateau des Glières
Snowshoes on the Glières Plateau
10.06 km
+355 m
-355 m
4 hrs
Departure from Thorens-Glières (Haute-Savoie)
Departure from Thorens-Glières (Haute-Savoie)
Snowshoe circuit on the vast Glières Plateau.
Besides the historical aspect, the Glières Plateau is interesting to visit because the mountains that surround it are strong points of reference.
Plateau des Glières
5.62 km
+81 m
-84 m
1h 50
Departure from Le Petit-Bornand-les-Glières (Haute-Savoie)
Departure from Le Petit-Bornand-les-Glières (Haute-Savoie)
A short and easy walk around the informative trail about the formation of marshland and the different fauna and flora found there, followed by a visit to the monument erected to the resistance fighters who were based at the Plateau des Glieres in the latter part of WWII. The way back follows part of the historic trail and passes the place where equipment drops were housed and the site of the infirmary.