Refine your search for walks in Saint-Germain-sur-Morin
An outing is the Créçois Country

A hike through the vast open areas of the Briarde countryside with large rolling hills and views as far as the eye can see, followed by shaded areas in the valley and on the Grand Morin hillsides. Pieces of the architectural heritage along the way, churches, mills and wash-houses, make the trip that more worthwhile.
The hike can be shortened to a 15 km walk, or split into two, one 8 km and the other 12 km (see useful information).
In the vicinity of the confluence of the Marne and the Grand Morin
A hike mostly along rivers with a connection by the slopes of the Grand Morin and Marne valleys offering beautiful views of the region. Crossing through some of the villages, including Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames and Quincy-Voisins, lets you explore some interesting elements of their architectural heritage.
The Marne Valley between the Ourcq Canal and Monceaux forest

Hiking along a bend of the river Marne. The circuit follows along streams in its first part, then crosses part of the Montceaux forest. There are beautiful panoramic vistas at every break in the tree cover.
A long tour of Ermenonville Forest

A hike in a forest in Picardy where the pines loom large. There are also beautiful sites covered in heather and sandstone blocks. The soil, often sandy, allows for hiking in winter without difficulty.
Mills and Menhirs along the river Yerres

This hike mostly takes place along the Yerres, a tributary of the Seine, and also includes a section in the Forest of Senart and an urban section. There you can enjoy the charm of this river and the beautiful houses around it, admire two ancient watermills and come cross no fewer than four standing stones along the way.
Parks and gardens along the Yerres
This walk starts in Crosne, goes through the Grange Forest and then through the town of Yerres before reaching Park Caillebotte where the painter lived. The walk goes along the Yerres River and finishes by going alongside the communal gardens in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.
The Bois de Bombon woods
Bombon is not only a church and a typical village in Plateau Briard but also a castle, and the holiday destination in 1909 for an emigrant known as Vladimir-Ilyich Ulyanov, or Lenin.
The fortified farms of Brie and the Bois-Poussin stronghold

Mostly dating from the late Middle Ages, fortified farms are a typical part of the architectural heritage of the Brie region. This walk takes you past several such farms, including the Fief de Bois-Poussin stronghold, and gives you the chance to discover the rich heritage of Nangis with its ancient fortified castle, church and market halls. The walk takes you along paths between fields and small roads with little traffic, and along the banks of the brooks that wind through this farming plain.