Track Epilepsy 2015

Technical sheet

Last update:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 219.93 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 66h 15 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Not specified

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 1,201 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 1,157 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 425 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 6 m


No description


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 25 m
  2. 1 : km 0.01 - alt. 25 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit (Portions unpaved).
  3. 2 : km 1.41 - alt. 25 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed southwest (See map for details).
  4. 3 : km 1.96 - alt. 21 m - Stay straight to go onto Gilderdale Close.
  5. 4 : km 1.98 - alt. 21 m - Turn left to stay on Gilderdale Close.
  6. 5 : km 2.12 - alt. 21 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed southwest (See map for details).
  7. 6 : km 2.19 - alt. 21 m - Turn slight right onto Dalby Close.
  8. 7 : km 2.27 - alt. 19 m - Dalby Close becomes Killingworth Lane.
  9. 8 : km 2.54 - alt. 17 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed southwest (See map for details).
  10. 9 : km 3.58 - alt. 14 m - Turn right onto Mallard Lane.
  11. 10 : km 3.65 - alt. 14 m - Turn left to stay on Mallard Lane.
  12. 11 : km 3.71 - alt. 13 m - Turn right onto Admirals Road.
  13. 12 : km 3.75 - alt. 14 m - Keep right at the fork to continue on Admirals Road. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  14. 13 : km 4.12 - alt. 14 m - Turn slight left onto walkway. Proceed west (See map for details).
  15. 14 : km 4.15 - alt. 14 m - Turn slight left onto Dewhurst Road.
  16. 15 : km 4.25 - alt. 13 m - Turn right onto Ainscough Road.
  17. 16 : km 4.61 - alt. 14 m - Turn left onto Admirals Road.
  18. 17 : km 4.97 - alt. 16 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit.
  19. 18 : km 5.05 - alt. 16 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed north through Birchwood Forest Park (See map for details).
  20. 19 : km 5.27 - alt. 18 m - Turn slight left onto Powell Avenue.
  21. 20 : km 5.43 - alt. 18 m - Turn right onto Delenty Drive.
  22. 21 : km 5.53 - alt. 17 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed northeast (See map for details).
  23. 22 : km 5.62 - alt. 18 m - Turn slight right onto Garrett Field.
  24. 23 : km 5.83 - alt. 19 m - Turn right onto Chadwick Place.
  25. 24 : km 5.83 - alt. 19 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  26. 25 : km 5.91 - alt. 19 m - Turn slight right.
  27. 26 : km 6.09 - alt. 21 m - Turn left onto Dalton Avenue.
  28. 27 : km 6.11 - alt. 21 m - Turn right.
  29. 28 : km 6.18 - alt. 21 m - Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed northwest (See map for details).
  30. 29 : km 6.2 - alt. 22 m - Turn right onto Warrington Road.
  31. 30 : km 6.3 - alt. 24 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A574/Warrington Road.
  32. 31 : km 6.59 - alt. 26 m - Turn left onto Cross Lane South.
  33. 32 : km 6.74 - alt. 24 m - Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed west (See map for details).
  34. 33 : km 6.99 - alt. 24 m - Turn left onto Cross Lane.
  35. 34 : km 7.89 - alt. 22 m - Turn right onto Lady Lane.
  36. 35 : km 9.1 - alt. 39 m - Turn right onto Mustard Lane.
  37. 36 : km 9.26 - alt. 38 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed northwest (See map for details).
  38. 37 : km 11.04 - alt. 38 m - Turn right onto Kenyon Lane.
  39. 38 : km 11.35 - alt. 38 m - Turn left onto B5207/Kenyon Lane.
  40. 39 : km 12.38 - alt. 39 m - Take A572/Newton Road.
  41. 40 : km 12.4 - alt. 39 m - Turn left onto B5207/Church Lane. Continue to follow B5207.
  42. 41 : km 14.78 - alt. 41 m - Turn right onto A573/Church Street.
  43. 42 : km 14.78 - alt. 41 m - Turn left onto A573/Wigan Road. Continue to follow A573.
  44. 43 : km 17.9 - alt. 38 m - Turn left onto A573/Warrington Road. Continue to follow A573.
  45. 44 : km 19.17 - alt. 27 m - Keep right at the fork to go on A573/Platt Street.
  46. 45 : km 19.2 - alt. 27 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A573.
  47. 46 : km 22.97 - alt. 33 m - Turn right onto A49/River Way.
  48. 47 : km 23.17 - alt. 35 m - Turn left onto B5376/Powell Street.
  49. 48 : km 23.31 - alt. 37 m - Turn right onto Standishgate.
  50. 49 : km 23.86 - alt. 54 m - Standishgate becomes A49. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  51. 50 : km 42.12 - alt. 55 m - Turn slight left onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  52. 51 : km 42.18 - alt. 55 m - Turn slight left onto A49/Wigan Road.
  53. 52 : km 42.77 - alt. 59 m - Turn left onto A5083/Lydiate Lane.
  54. 53 : km 43.75 - alt. 42 m - Turn slight right onto A5083/Stanifield Lane.
  55. 54 : km 44.77 - alt. 34 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto B5254.
  56. 55 : km 45.65 - alt. 37 m - Turn right onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  57. 56 : km 45.79 - alt. 36 m - Turn right onto B5257/Brownedge Road.
  58. 57 : km 45.82 - alt. 36 m - Turn left onto Wateringpool Lane.
  59. 58 : km 46.82 - alt. 23 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed northwest (See map for details).
  60. 59 : km 47.59 - alt. 17 m - Stay straight to go onto Old Tram Road.
  61. 60 : km 47.63 - alt. 11 m - Turn left onto walkway. Proceed north (Portions have stairs) (See map for details).
  62. 61 : km 49.22 - alt. 28 m - Turn slight left onto Ribblesdale Place.
  63. 62 : km 49.3 - alt. 26 m - Ribblesdale Place becomes Winckley Square.
  64. 63 : km 49.47 - alt. 29 m - Stay straight to go onto Chapel Street.
  65. 64 : km 49.59 - alt. 31 m - Turn left onto Fishergate.
  66. 65 : km 49.6 - alt. 31 m - Turn right onto Fox Street.
  67. 66 : km 49.73 - alt. 26 m - Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  68. 67 : km 49.75 - alt. 25 m - Turn left onto Fleet Street.
  69. 68 : km 49.79 - alt. 24 m - Fleet Street becomes A5071/Corporation Street.
  70. 69 : km 50.06 - alt. 28 m - Turn right onto Edward Street.
  71. 70 : km 50.15 - alt. 28 m - Turn left onto A583/Friargate.
  72. 71 : km 50.23 - alt. 26 m - Turn slight right onto A583.
  73. 72 : km 50.26 - alt. 27 m - Take Moor Lane.
  74. 73 : km 50.99 - alt. 28 m - Moor Lane becomes A6/Garstang Road.
  75. 74 : km 54.59 - alt. 39 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A6.
  76. 75 : km 61.95 - alt. 22 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A6/Preston Lancaster Road.
  77. 76 : km 63.41 - alt. 19 m - Turn slight right onto B6430/Garstang Road. Continue to follow B6430.
  78. 77 : km 64.42 - alt. 18 m - Turn right onto B6430/Preston Lancaster Old Road.
  79. 78 : km 64.42 - alt. 18 m - Turn left onto B6430/Garstang Road. Continue to follow B6430.
  80. 79 : km 66.32 - alt. 20 m - Turn slight right onto Green Lane.
  81. 80 : km 66.37 - alt. 19 m - Turn slight right onto B6430/Bonds Lane. Continue to follow B6430.
  82. 81 : km 66.76 - alt. 15 m - Turn slight right onto B6430/Bridge Street. Continue to follow B6430.
  83. 82 : km 66.98 - alt. 20 m - Turn slight right onto Green Lane.
  84. 83 : km 67.16 - alt. 19 m - Turn slight left onto B6430/High Street.
  85. 84 : km 67.32 - alt. 18 m - Stay straight to go onto Green Lane.
  86. 85 : km 67.4 - alt. 17 m - Turn slight left onto B6430/Lancaster Road.
  87. 86 : km 67.55 - alt. 20 m - Stay straight to go onto Green Lane.
  88. 87 : km 67.63 - alt. 20 m - Stay straight to go onto B6430/Lancaster Road.
  89. 88 : km 68.57 - alt. 27 m - Turn slight right onto A6/Preston Lancaster Road. Continue to follow A6. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  90. 89 : km 76.33 - alt. 38 m - Turn slight right to stay on A6.
  91. 90 : km 79.75 - alt. 35 m - Stay straight to go onto Scotforth Road.
  92. 91 : km 79.77 - alt. 35 m - Stay straight to go onto A6.
  93. 92 : km 83.17 - alt. 39 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 4th exit onto A6/South Road.
  94. 93 : km 83.59 - alt. 24 m - Keep right at the fork to go on A6.
  95. 94 : km 84.16 - alt. 7 m - Turn right onto St Leonard's Gate.
  96. 95 : km 84.21 - alt. 9 m - Turn left onto Pitt Street.
  97. 96 : km 84.28 - alt. 7 m - Turn right onto A6/North Road. Continue to follow A6.
  98. 97 : km 84.53 - alt. 7 m - Stay straight to go onto A6/Parliament Street.
  99. 98 : km 84.73 - alt. 8 m - Turn left onto A6/Owen Road.
  100. 99 : km 84.76 - alt. 8 m - Turn right onto A683/Owen Road. Continue to follow Owen Road.
  101. 100 : km 85.64 - alt. 14 m - Owen Road becomes Slyne Road.
  102. 101 : km 86.32 - alt. 23 m - Slyne Road becomes A6.
  103. 102 : km 89.88 - alt. 27 m - Turn slight right onto Main Road.
  104. 103 : km 91.01 - alt. 14 m - Turn slight right onto A6.
  105. 104 : km 91.54 - alt. 17 m - Turn right onto Whin Grove.
  106. 105 : km 91.66 - alt. 18 m - Whin Grove becomes Thwaite Brow Lane.
  107. 106 : km 92.3 - alt. 38 m - Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed northeast (See map for details).
  108. 107 : km 92.76 - alt. 23 m - Go straight.
  109. 108 : km 92.84 - alt. 23 m - Turn left onto Thwaite End Bridge.
  110. 109 : km 92.88 - alt. 20 m - Turn right onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  111. 110 : km 92.95 - alt. 19 m - Turn slight right onto A6.
  112. 111 : km 95.14 - alt. 7 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A6/Scotland Road.
  113. 112 : km 95.67 - alt. 7 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto A6. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  114. 113 : km 104.6 - alt. 21 m - Turn slight right onto Paradise Lane.
  115. 114 : km 106.52 - alt. 31 m - Turn right onto B6385.
  116. 115 : km 106.61 - alt. 32 m - Turn slight left.
  117. 116 : km 108.26 - alt. 46 m - Turn right onto Viver Lane.
  118. 117 : km 108.35 - alt. 48 m - Turn left to stay on Viver Lane.
  119. 118 : km 109.3 - alt. 45 m - Turn left.
  120. 119 : km 109.8 - alt. 50 m - Stay straight to go onto Well Heads Lane.
  121. 120 : km 112.21 - alt. 42 m - Turn right onto Natland Road.
  122. 121 : km 115.16 - alt. 52 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  123. 122 : km 115.79 - alt. 44 m - Turn slight right onto Natland Road.
  124. 123 : km 116.97 - alt. 41 m - Turn left onto A65.
  125. 124 : km 116.99 - alt. 40 m - Turn right to stay on A65.
  126. 125 : km 117.46 - alt. 42 m - Take A6.
  127. 126 : km 118.53 - alt. 43 m - A6 becomes A65.
  128. 127 : km 118.9 - alt. 45 m - Stay straight to go onto A6/Longpool. Continue to follow A6.
  129. 128 : km 123.34 - alt. 129 m - Turn right.
  130. 129 : km 123.37 - alt. 129 m - Turn slight left onto Back Lane.
  131. 130 : km 123.52 - alt. 155 m - Turn slight left onto Dry Lane (Portions unpaved).
  132. 131 : km 124.51 - alt. 163 m - Turn left.
  133. 132 : km 124.53 - alt. 165 m - Turn right onto Dry Lane (Portions unpaved).
  134. 133 : km 125.37 - alt. 159 m - Dry Lane becomes unnamed road.
  135. 134 : km 125.43 - alt. 164 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  136. 135 : km 127.14 - alt. 219 m - Take A6.
  137. 136 : km 129.66 - alt. 241 m - Turn slight right.
  138. 137 : km 129.91 - alt. 252 m - Take A6.
  139. 138 : km 158.56 - alt. 132 m - Take the A6 exit.
  140. 139 : km 158.64 - alt. 134 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A6.
  141. 140 : km 161.08 - alt. 158 m - Turn slight right onto Inglewood Road.
  142. 141 : km 163.95 - alt. 155 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto A6. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  143. 142 : km 187.66 - alt. 24 m - Turn sharp left onto A6/London Road. Continue to follow A6.
  144. 143 : km 188.49 - alt. 19 m - Turn right onto Tait Street.
  145. 144 : km 188.64 - alt. 19 m - Tait Street becomes Brunswick Street.
  146. 145 : km 188.89 - alt. 22 m - Brunswick Street becomes A7/Spencer Street.
  147. 146 : km 189.13 - alt. 21 m - Stay straight to go onto A7/Georgian Way.
  148. 147 : km 189.52 - alt. 14 m - Enter next roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto A7. Pass through 1 roundabout.
  149. 148 : km 214.51 - alt. 51 m - Turn slight right onto walkway. Proceed north (See map for details).
  150. 149 : km 214.66 - alt. 52 m - Go straight.
  151. 150 : km 216.29 - alt. 79 m - Turn right.
  152. 151 : km 216.82 - alt. 67 m - Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed northeast (See map for details).
  153. 152 : km 217.49 - alt. 75 m - Stay straight to go onto A7.
  154. 153 : km 218.98 - alt. 73 m - Turn left to stay on A7.
  155. 154 : km 219.67 - alt. 78 m - Turn left onto Glenesk Road.
  156. 155 : km 219.85 - alt. 75 m - Turn left.
  157. 156 : km 219.88 - alt. 73 m - Turn right.
  158. 157 : km 219.89 - alt. 73 m - Turn left.
  159. E : km 219.93 - alt. 71 m

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.