Brousse-le-Château along the Tarn valley

Perched on a rocky promontory, at the confluence of the Tarn and Alrance rivers, the magnificent small village of Brousse-le-Château is noted for its exceptional location.

Fiche technique

Création :
Mise à jour :
Dernier avis :
  • Pédestre
    Activité : Randonnée Pédestre
  • ↔
    Distance : 7,99 km
  • ◔
    Durée moyenne : 3h 15 
  • ▲
    Difficulté : Moyenne

  • ⚐
    Retour point de depart : Oui
  • ↗
    Dénivelé positif : + 342 m
  • ↘
    Dénivelé négatif : - 338 m

  • ▲
    Point haut : 517 m
  • ▼
    Point bas : 233 m


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Description de la randonnée

Start: Park in the car-park adjacent to the Tarn river at Brousse-le-Château, on the right on entering the village.

(S/E) Follow the Alrance river on its right bank, towards the town hall (South-Easterly direction) along the main street of the new village (the medieval village is on the other side of the river).

(1) 300 metres after the town hall and its car-park near the bridge which crosses the river, take the path on the left, well marked, which climbs into the forest (circuit 16 - yellow markings). Stay on the main path, ignoring a first path to the left and two to the right, further on.

(2) On reaching the road leading to Viales, turn right, pass through the hamlet and continue on the main road.

(3) At the next crossroads, turn left (on the right there is La Castié Basse). At the next junction, 100 metres further on, continue straight ahead, climing towards Saint-Martin. On the right, between the buildings, you will see the hamlet of La Castié.

(4) On arrival at the entrance to the small village of Saint-Martin-de-Brousse, take the small road on the left which passes around the church. 100 metres further on, turn left onto the road that descends into Brousse-le-Château (South-Westerly direction).

(5) After 300 metres, leave the road for a path on the right, hardly visible, which descends.

(6)On exiting the forest, you arrive at what appears to be private land, which is not the case (the path is a little difficult to follow at the edge of a farm). On arrival at Cluzel you reach a small road which turns to the right and continues to the hamlet of Layrolle.

(7) After the last house in Layrolle, take the path on the right (yellow markings) which descends towards the Tarn and leads to a farm track (Chemin des Soldats) which you follow to the left (South-Easterly direction). Follow the Tarn upstream.

(8) At the junction near to a building, turn sharp left then right 100 metres further on. Continue straight ahead to reach the D143 road. Follow this road to the right and at the bridge over the Tarn, continue to the left to reach the car-park by the Tarn (S/E)

Points de passages

  1. D/A : km 0 - alt. 236 m - Car-park by the Alrance river - Alrance (rivière) - Affluent du Tarn
  2. 1 : km 0.44 - alt. 254 m - Path on the left, near the bridge (yellow markings)
  3. 2 : km 1.68 - alt. 416 m - Road, turn right, pass Viales
  4. 3 : km 2.14 - alt. 406 m - Crossroads, turn left
  5. 4 : km 3.24 - alt. 508 m - Saint-Martin church, turn left
  6. 5 : km 3.87 - alt. 504 m - Road that descends into Brousse-le-Château
  7. 6 : km 4.6 - alt. 397 m - Exit the forest, continue towards the farm
  8. 7 : km 5.11 - alt. 356 m - Layrolle, take the path on the right
  9. 8 : km 6.59 - alt. 238 m - Junction, sharp left. Toward the river Tarn - Tarn (rivière) - Affluent de la Garonne
  10. D/A : km 7.99 - alt. 236 m - Car-park. Splendid view of Brousse

Informations pratiques

Start & parking: Park in the car-park adjacent to the Tarn river at Brousse-le-Château, on the right on entering the village.
In summer, the car-park in Brousse being often full, start the hike in the middle of the circuit, at Saint-Martin, a large car-park near the church. The description given above allows the hike to start with the climb.

Gears: Walking boots for stony paths and others covered with leaves.

A proximité

Take some time to wander around the small village of Brousse-le-Château, with its 9th. century castle, narrow streets, 15th. century church and gothic bridge. Near to Saint-Martin, the church and covered oratory.
A multitude of villages along the Tar: Peyre, Requista, .... and hikes around Espailon or near Millau, the unmissable La Jonte valley gorges.

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