The Cuves de Duzon, a geological curiosity

A nice family-friendly walk in the forest which starts from Duzon bridge leading to a galaxy of stones at the Cuves de Duzon, a geological curiosity. The river has effectively bored out several “cauldrons" and flows through a narrow crevice that the path follows.

Fiche technique

Création :
Mise à jour :
Dernier avis :
  • Pédestre
    Activité : Randonnée Pédestre
  • ↔
    Distance : 8,52 km
  • ◔
    Durée moyenne : 3h 10 
  • ▲
    Difficulté : Moyenne

  • ⚐
    Retour point de depart : Oui
  • ↗
    Dénivelé positif : + 261 m
  • ↘
    Dénivelé négatif : - 253 m

  • ▲
    Point haut : 302 m
  • ▼
    Point bas : 168 m
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Description de la randonnée

Car park: Duzon car park just before the bridge (S) on the D534 between Tournon-sur-Rhone and Lamastre.

Take the wide path from the other side of the road (do not cross the bridge).

(1) Arrive at Grange de Vaures (a set of houses and buildings). At the fork, take the right path slightly downwards and continue straight on the same road. At the intersection of marker 291, continue right to reach a new fork.

(2) Pass by the path up to the left and continue down to the Douzon.

(3) At the end of the descent, take the path that starts on the left that leads to the Cuves du Duzon.

(4) For those who want to see the Duzon from another angle head back to (3) and continue as far as the ford (5). Retrace your steps.

(3) The return route is by the same path as on the way out

A lovely walk

Points de passages

  1. D/A : km 0 - alt. 179 m
  2. 1 : km 1.86 - alt. 274 m - Turn right
  3. 2 : km 3.22 - alt. 260 m - Turn right
  4. 3 : km 3.68 - alt. 186 m - Access to the Cuves du Duzon
  5. 4 : km 3.87 - alt. 183 m - End of the trail
  6. 5 : km 4.44 - alt. 168 m - The ford
  7. D/A : km 8.52 - alt. 179 m

Informations pratiques

The best place for a snack break is definitely along the Duzon on the rocks at the Cuves du Duzon between points (3) and (4).

A proximité

Non loin de là, la ville de Tournon-sur-Rhône mérite une visite et une flânerie sur le bord du Rhône.
Possibilité aussi de prendre le "Mastrou", petit train touristique de l'Ardèche.

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