The philosophers'wood walk, Mulhouse

The walk starts at the Regional Sports Center of Alsace. This can be a great walk for students or teachers when they have a break between two lessons or just for leisure when you search for a quiet and short walk along the riverside.

Fiche technique

Création :
Mise à jour :
Dernier avis :
  • Pédestre
    Activité : Randonnée Pédestre
  • ↔
    Distance : 4,53 km
  • ◔
    Durée moyenne : 1h 25 
  • ▲
    Difficulté : Facile

  • ⚐
    Retour point de depart : Oui
  • ↗
    Dénivelé positif : + 32 m
  • ↘
    Dénivelé négatif : - 34 m

  • ▲
    Point haut : 278 m
  • ▼
    Point bas : 238 m
  • ⚐ Pays : France
  • ⚐ Commune : Mulhouse (68100|68200)
  • ⚑
    Départ/Arrivée : N 47.731326° / E 7.315014°
  • ❏
    Carte(s) IGN : Ref. 3720ET
  • Météo détaillée heure par heure
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Description de la randonnée

Start : Centre Sportif Région d'Alsace, Mulhouse

(D/A) With your back to the "Centre Sportif", walk left (South-West) up to the "Rue des frères Lumières" street.
When there are no more buildings, you arrive at parking places.

(1) Turn left in front of this parking to reach the philosophers' wood. (Search for a small path that goes up) During the first part of this walk (in the forest), follow the "blue circle" waymark. Be careful when it is rainy, it can be quite slippery!

Go past the front of a playground on your right-hand side. When the path changes direction, go through the tiny path in front of you, always following the "blue circle" waymark. At the end of this path, you arrive on a paved road.

(2) Turn right (South-West) and follow the housing along Mulhouse road. ("Blue circle" waymark). When you reach the roundabout, turn left on "Illmattenweg" street (the banks of the Ill path). Go through red fences to reach a paved path along the 'L'Ill" river.

(3) Turn right (South) and walk along the riverside with the river on your left. Some 500m further along, go through another red fence. At the junction, take the left still following the river. You now follow the "blue diamand" waymark.

(4) You then reach a bridge (André ERBLAND bridge). Cross it to reach the other side of the river. As soon as you reach the end of the bridge, take directly left to always follow the river l'Ill but this time with the river on your left. You are now following the "blue diamand" waymark, and the little "purple sticker" with the mention "Circuit des philosophes". Follow this path for around 1.5Km. Cross football and tennis fields and a little house near to those fields.

(5) Go under a white bridge, always following the small path alongside the river. (Purples stickers "Circuit des philosophes"). Then continue walking on this path until you reach the bridge at "Rue de Dornach" road.

Cross the bridge left and walk to a roundabout to take left on "Rue des frères Lumières" and walk back to the Centre Sportif Région d'Alsace and your starting point. (D/A)

Points de passages

  1. D/A : km 0 - alt. 254 m - Regional sports center of Alsace
  2. 1 : km 0.05 - alt. 259 m - Philosophers'woods
  3. 2 : km 0.97 - alt. 252 m - End of the wood
  4. 3 : km 1.41 - alt. 242 m - Riversides of the Ill river
  5. 4 : km 1.87 - alt. 245 m - André Erbland bridge
  6. 5 : km 3.41 - alt. 243 m - The white bridge
  7. D/A : km 4.53 - alt. 252 m - Regional sports center of Alsace

Informations pratiques

Start : Centre Sportif Région d'Alsace, Mulhouse. First, walk up to "Rue des frères Lumières" street.

Parking :
There are some parkings spots at the university sports hall, or in the street at the beginning of the walk.

Local transport:
There is a tramway station named "Université" near to the sport center (line 2).

Soyez toujours prudent et prévoyant lors d'une randonnée. Visorando et l'auteur de cette fiche ne pourront pas être tenus responsables en cas d'accident survenu sur ce circuit.

A proximité

(1) A playground for children

The Banks of the Ill River (all along the walk)

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